Establishes a connection to the communication device. Returns a Promise that resolves when the connection is successfully established.
Establishes a connection to the communication device. Returns a Promise that resolves when the connection is successfully established.
Unique identifier for the communication device.
Disconnects the communicator from the communication device. Returns a Promise that resolves when the disconnection is completed.
Disconnects the communicator from the communication device. Returns a Promise that resolves when the disconnection is completed.
Indicates whether the communicator is currently connected.
Sets a callback function to handle received data.
Sets a callback function to handle received data.
The function to be called when data is received. It takes a string parameter representing the received data.
The function to be called when data is received. It takes a string parameter representing the received data.
Writes data to the communication device.
Writes data to the communication device.
The data string to be sent through the communicator.
The data string to be sent through the communicator.
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Interface representing a communication channel with a modem.
The Communicator interface defines the communication methods used by the Modem class to interact with the physical modem device. It abstracts the low-level communication details, allowing the Modem class to focus on higher-level functionality.